About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Aarya Yalala

Class of 2027

Year joined the team: 2023

Sub-Teams: I am on the Impact and Electrical sub teams.

What are 2 fun facts about you?

I am 15 years old and I have been participating in FIRST competitions for the past 5 years.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

I really love the team’s atmosphere and the competitions.

What is your favorite team memory?

I loved competing in the Girls Bloomfield Hills competition! The girls were so nice and I liked driving the robot.

What have you learned from being on the team?

I have learned a lot about how the FIRST competitions work and how to use tools in electrical.

What is special about FIRST?

FIRST is a robotics competition that not only encourages students to learn about robots, but embraces those who are into outreach and volunteering.

What are you looking forward to this year in FIRST?

I am looking forward to learn more about FRC and how to drive a robot!