AdamBots Blog

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2012 Alamo Regional Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on March 8, 2012 in 2012 FIRST

 Watch our matches from the 2012 FIRST Alamo Regional on Youtube!

alamo-regional-1-167Victory once again went beyond winning for the AdamBots at the 2012 Alamo Regional. While we only finished in the quarter-finals, the regional proved an excellent learning experience and was highlighted by two non-engineering awards.

Over two dozen AdamBot students and many mentors made the trip from Rochester Hills, Michigan to San Antonio, Texas for the 2012 FIRST Alamo Regional from March 1st to March 3rd. Our robot, Margarita, compete relatively well in it’s debut qualification matches, in which we had eight wins and four losses. However our robot did experience some technical complications as calibrating the shooter proved a doozy and in qualification match 16 our shooter became decapitated from the robot. Still, Margarita made some shots in autonomous mode, and showed exceptional skill in bridge balancing.

At the end of the qualification rounds we ranked 13th with our friend the LamBots ranking in 18th. We were selected by team 2468 to

triple-balancejoin them in the fourth alliance along with team 2969. We then proceeeded with the quarter final matches. We won our first match 33-22, but due to a spectacular performance by teams 148, 2936, and 922, we lost our second quarter finals match to the first triple balance in Rebound Rumble history. Our competition ended at the Alamo Regional when we were beat by the 5th alliance in our third quarter finals match. They went on to the semi finals to be beaten by the 3rd alliance.


Outside of the competition the AdamBots had a lot of great experiences also. The students and mentors enjoyed their time on the famous river walk and the the AdamBots and LamBots got together on the Friday night to have a huge pizza party.While we did not win at the 2012 Alamo Regional we did have a lot of success. We won the Website Award for the second time in a row at Alamo and the Entrepreneurship award, thanks to our exceptional business plan. The LamBots, team 3478, also didn’t leave empty handed as they won the Spirit award for their earth shaking cheers. We also soaked up all the knowledge we could get for our future competitions at Niles, Michigan and at Troy, Michigan where we hope to do better and go for the gold.

Written by Joey Bolewitz