FIRST For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
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2012 FIRST Game: Rebound Rumble

Rebound RumbleIn Rebound Rumble, two alliances (red and blue), consisting of three teams each, compete to score baskets and balance on bridges in 2 minutes and 15 seconds.  The alliance who has scored the most points at the match’s end is declared the winner.  The teams can score more points by aiming higher, as there are 4 hoops to score in and, the taller the hoop, the more points it is worth.  Also, in the end game (the last 30 seconds), alliances receive more robots for balanced on the bridge.

The Field

Rebound Rumble is played on a 27-foot by 54-foot field, called the arena.  Tape of the appropriate color designates where each alliance’s alley and key is located.  In these areas the alliance of the matching color cannot be interfered with by robots of the opposing alliance, in it they are safe.  Spanning the center of the arena is the barrier that robots may traverse, adding difficulty to the game.  If a robot doesn’t want to brave the barrier then there are three bridges over it.  The red and blue bridges can only be used by a robot of the same alliance color.  The middle bridge is the coopertition bridge, and can be used by any robot.  At both ends of the arena are four colored hoops at three different heights, and only a robot of the appropriate alliance can score in them.  Behind the hoops on each side are the alliance stations, where teams operate their robots.

Game Pieces

Rebound Rumble is played using special FIRST basketballs.    The basketballs are 8 inches in diameter and made of compact foam and each ball has the FIRST logo on the front.  Each robot is allowed to hold up to three of these balls at any one time.

Hybrid Period

During the first 15 seconds of the match the drivers are not allowed to control their robots.  Instead each alliance may chose a single person from one of their three teams to use the Microsoft Kinect provided for each alliance.  This human player interacts with the Kinect and uses it to control a single robot from their alliance.  During this time any baskets scored by a robot are worth more points than usual.

Teleoperated Period

After the autonomous period drivers assume control of their robots.  Teams are then able to score by getting the basketballs through the hoops.  The lowest hoops are worth 1 point per basket, the middle two baskets are worth 2 points, and the highest basket is worth 3 points.  In the final 30 seconds of the match, teams can gain extra points by balancing their robots on the bridges in the middle of the court.  A single robot balancing will gain 10 points for their alliance, two robots will get 20, and three robots will also get 20.  Robots from both alliances can balance on the coopertition bridge, which will give both alliances points.


In Rebound Rumble the points are calculated during the match, so at the end of the match the total score for each alliance will be displayed.  The total includes all of the points scored by the robots, the additional points from balancing in the final 30 seconds and any points from fouls.  In Rebound Rumble fouls give points to the other alliance, the amount varying depending on the severity of the foul. In the end the alliance with the largest point total wins.

Basket Scoring


1 Point


2 points


3 points

Bridge Scoring (Last 30 Seconds)

1 Robot

10 points

2 Robots

20 points

3 Robots

20 points (40 points in elimination matches)

Our Solution: Margarita

Below is a picture of our robot just before bag & tag day.

  • Drivetrain
    • Wide base with six 4″ high-traction wheels
    • Four CIM motors with AndyMark two-speed transmissions

  • Ball Shooter
    • Two pairs of wheels driven by two Banebot motors
    • Shooter mounted on turret with greater than 180 degree rotation, powered by a window motor
    • Wheel-speed feedback provided by optical sensors
    • Camera imaging automatically aligns shooter and calculates distance
    • Two 3×5 LED infrared arrays illuminate the backboard reflective tape
    • Max range of 25 feet
    • Drivers have the ability to add manual offset wheel speed and angle to adjust the shooting accuracy

  • Ball Conveyor System
    • In-feed roller and lift conveyor powered by a Banebot motor with clutch mechanism to allow reversal of in-feed roller
    • Three conveyor segments constructed with PVC shafts and hollow-core, round, urethane belts

  • Bridge Manipulator
    • Aluminum construction powered by a Fisher Price motor and gearbox designed to allow Margarita to traverse bridge without stopping

Robot Specification Sheet