About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Robert Adams

Class of 2021

Year joined the team: 2018

Sub-Teams: Mech 2, Field Build, Scouting

What are 2 fun facts about you?

I am passionate about Minecraft as well as my three musical instruments (Violin, Piano, Saxophone). I find it funny how my sleep time decreased exponentially since 9th grade.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

Most of my friends were on the team, and they kept talking about how much fun robotics was! Additionally, I wanted to learn some new STEAM skills to further my interest in the engineering field.

What is your favorite team memory?

At a match during out 2019 Troy Competition, we were still trying to score cargo into the bays, but time was running out. So, we improvised and hit our platform at full speed, somehow managing to jump on top of it. Our robot might have been damaged, but our spirits weren’t!

What have you learned from being on the team?

I have learned that communication is the most important team skill of all. Good communication between our team helps us get our minds thinking and stuff done. Also, if one doesn’t read Mrs. Drummer’s weekly Newsletters, she’ll get mad!

What is special about FIRST or what are you looking forward to this year in FIRST

In my opinion, FIRST is primarily strengthened by its wonderful students, mentors, parents, alumni, and more! FIRST helped me strengthen friendships and learn new skills that will be extremely beneficial in school, college, and beyond!