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2018 OCCRA Blogs: Build Week One

Written by AdamBot Student on September 14, 2018 in 2018 OCCRA

Our OCCRA season kicked off this Monday! This year, we’ll be building a robot for the game “Over and Out.” In the game, there are two roles for the robots on each alliance: “over” and “out,” separated by a fence. The “over” robot passes balls over the fence to their allied “out” robot, which then scores it in the goal at the end of the field. At the same time, the opposing alliance is passing balls and shooting in the opposite direction.

le pere du dessin avec l'ordinateurWe came in Tuesday ready to strategize and developed a plan for our robot. Throughout Wednesday and Thursday, we’ve been designing, prototyping, and programming. Without giving away too much, we have high hopes for this year!


OCCRA is the Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association. 20+ high school teams build robots compete throughout the fall leading up to the County Championship. OCCRA stresses developing student leadership by limiting mentor design involvement to one hour per week.

Our 2018 competition dates are: October 20th, October 25th, November 3rd, November 8th, and November 17th. We hope to see you there!

Written by Joseph Sullivan