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Build Season 2013 – Week 6 Recap

Written by AdamBot Student on February 18, 2013 in 2013 FIRST

The sixth and final week of build has been a crazy one, as all engineering teams have been scrambling to finish putting the robot together and testing it so it will be competition ready when we bag it on Tuesday, February 18th.

Week 6We decided to build two robots: one to take to the competition, and one to practice with once the competition bot is bagged. We built the practice robot first so we could figure out any problems that needed to be fixed when we build the final robot.Luckily, by this Saturday, the first robot was almost done, and the chassis for the second was almost complete. Throughout the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday, which were days off school, we have been hard at work to complete and then test both robots.

The Chassis Team are basically done with their work, as both chassis have been made. They have been helping other teams complete their building.

The Climbing Team are practically done with the CAD and, despite a few roadblocks, are making good progress on their build.

The Shooter Team have finished both shooters. They tested the second shooter, using the Field Team‘s goals, with much success, on Saturday.

Week 6

The Programming Team and Controls Team have been busy testing the code for this year’s robot and finishing the control board, respectively.

This week the Marketing Team focused on creating the commercial that the team is going to put in the pits. They started shooting on Saturday and have most of the video done. next, the marketing team started designing/creating the decals for the robot so that it will be read before bag and tag day. Finally, they updated their sponsor poster that is going to be put in the pit.board, respectively.

The Digital Media Team and Business Plan Team have been working to have their respective documents ready to be uploaded on STIMS, with their deadlines both fast approaching. Both have made good progress.

The Scouting Team finished this year’s scouting sheet.