AdamBots Blog

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Build Season Week 6 – Final Week

Written by Ryan Cesiel on February 24, 2011 in 2011 FIRST

2011 FIRST RobotWeek 6 was a hectic end to the build season. We were trying to decrease the weight of our robot, finalize functions of the robot, program the robot, troubleshoot electronics and hardware, and many more things. Fortunately, the students had Monday (February 21st) and Tuesday (February 22nd) off because of the midwinter break.

During the week and on Saturday, the Electronics & Controls Team finished wiring up the robot which allowed the Programming Team to finally start testing their code.

On Monday, during some testing and practicing we broke the part of the motor powering the vertical movement of our arm.  We had to redesign what powered the arm. But, at this point we were still hovering right at 120lb.  Several mentors and students stayed late Monday to finish placing the new sprocket and motor on as well as “cheese-hole” every possible part our robot to cut down on weight.

Tuesday afternoon brought about a very pleasant surprise-a 117.5lb robot.  After much confusion over the variance in the weight of our robot amongst three different scales, we found that the robot had to be weighed on a solid surface such as concrete or wood instead of the carpet.  Otherwise, we got a wide range of numbers for our weight.

ProgrammingThe most important part of this week, though, was that we finished the robot and bagged a fully-functional robot.  The Drive Team was able to practice several times Tuesday afternoon and night.  The Programming Team was also able to test certain aspects of their autonomous mode and collect data to finish the autonomous.

Related Media: Build Season – Week 6 and 2011 FIRST Robot