About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Brendan Treanore

Class of 2016

Year joined the team: 2012

Sub-Teams: Game Piece Manipulator, Game Strategy

What are 2 fun facts about you?

I am very zealous about both robotics and chemistry; if I’m not doing one then it’s probably the other.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

I was informed about the team by a friend of mine who was I it at the time. He told me about the engineering, teamwork, design, and overall great experience that it is. Inspired by this, I decided to join the team to see if I liked it and it ended up becoming a major part of my life; doing it daily and meeting tons of new friends at it.

What is your favorite memory from robotics?

My favorite memory is not confined to a single time but more an entire trip. My trip to World’s and Palmetto in 2013 contained so many great memories and times that it would be impossible to narrow it down to a single one. Overall robotics provides for such great experiences there aren’t any parts you can’t enjoy.

What have you learned from being on the team?

I have learned how to work well on a team and with others; skills that have helped me both in school and out in group projects and things similar. Working so cooperatively with a team has allowed for me to experience and face challenges in easier and different ways than before.

What are you excited about for FIRST?

The unique challenges that it provides the teams with are what sets first apart. The challenges required that you work with your team to overcome it, but have a great time along the way. They incorporate both strategy and teamwork that isn’t seen anywhere else.