About the AdamBots
AdamBots Team 245

Ben Bray

Graduated in 2013

  Limbo (graduated early, sort of; technically I’m a senior)

Years on Team:  3

Sub-Teams:  Programming

What are two fun facts about you?

My life would be meaningless without my piano.
I don’t know if I’ve ever told anyone this, but I like to program sometimes.

Why did you join the AdamBots?

I joined the robotics team out of an interest in programming robots and learning more about electronics and engineering. I was lucky enough to have heard about the team from a teacher during the first week of school that Fall; had she not mentioned that the team was looking for someone to program, I probably wouldn’t be here.

What is your favorite memory from robotics?

My favorite memory was sitting in the stands at the Michigan State FRC Championship in 2011 (the game was Logo Motion) and watching our autonomous code work flawlessly for the very first time.  The robot glided forward smoothly and gracefully scored in a matter of seconds, and the team erupted with cheering.  That was a great feeling.

What have you learned from being on the team?

I’ve learned quite a bit about developing software for physical systems. Being a part of the robotics team has also inspired me to learn on my own about machine learning and artificial intelligence, which have become passions of mine.

What is special about FIRST?

FIRST is special because everyone involved is so enthusiastic about robotics and STEAM. You’re allowed to geek out about math and science–more than that, you’re expected to.  FIRST gives students a valuable, exciting alternative to the culture of sports, partying, and apathy promoted by other activities.